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Sklep numizmatyczny zaprasza, 18 lutego 2025 r. U¿ytkownicy online: 364
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10 z³, 35. rocznica pacyfikacji kopalni "Wujek", 2016
NBP - srebrne monety
Cena brutto: 119.00 PLN

10 z³, TOKIO 2020 - Polska reprezentacja olimpijska, 2021
Cena brutto: 189.00 PLN

5 z³, Kopiec Wyzwolenia - Odkryj Polskê, 2019
Mennica Polska: Numizmatyka
Cena brutto: 7.00 PLN

Plan emisyjny monet
i banknotów w 2018 roku:

Polska Reprezentacja Olimpijska PyeongChang
- 200 zł, 10 zł

Wyklęci przez komunistów żołnierze niezłomni August Emil Fieldorf „Nil”
- 10 zł

Wielcy polscy ekonomiści
Fryderyk Skarbek
- 10zł

Moneta okolicznościowa z napisem 100-lecie odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości
- 5 zł

Polskie Termopile - Hodów
- 10 zł

100-lecie czynu zbrojnego Polonii amerykańskiej
- 10 zł

Skarby Stanisława Augusta
Henryk Walezy
- 500 zł, 50 zł

Historia monety polskiej boratynka, tymf Jana Kazimierza
- 20 zł

760-lecie Towarzystwa Strzeleckiego Bractwa Kurkowego
w Krakowie
- 10 zł

100-lecie powstania Gimnazjum
i Liceum im. Stefana Batorego
w Warszawie
- 10 zł

- 10 zł

125-lecie działalności Teatru im. Juliusza Słowackiego w Krakowie
- 10 zł

- 20 zł (banknot kolekcjonerski)

Stulecie odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości – Ignacy Jan Paderewski
- 100 zł, 10 zł

100. rocznica odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości
- 1 zł, 2018 zł, 100 zł

Wyklęci przez komunistów żołnierze niezłomni – Hieronim Dekutowski „Zapora”
- 10 zł

100. rocznica wybuchu Powstania Wielkopolskiego
- 200 zł, 10 zł


Emisje NBP
Emisja monet NBP 2018

Emisja monet NBP 2017

Emisja monet NBP 2016

Emisja monet NBP 2015

Emisja monet NBP 2014

Emisja monet NBP 2013

Emisja monet NBP 2012

Emisja monet NBP 2011

Emisja monet NBP 2010

Emisja monet NBP 2009

Emisja monet NBP 2008

Emisja monet NBP 2007

Emisje monet NBP 1995 - 2006

1 litas, 600 rocznica bitwy pod Grunwaldem, 2010
Nazwa Cena brutto
1 litas, 600 rocznica bitwy pod Grunwaldem, 2010
5.00 PLN

Producent: Mennica Litwy

ID: 2200

Kolekcja: Monety o tematyce historycznej

Emitent: Republika Litwy
Producent: Mennica Litwy
Stan zachowania monety: I (menniczy) - z rolki bankowej
Nomina³: 1 lit (1 litas)
Stempel: zwyk³y
¦rednica: 22,3 mm
Waga: 6,25 g
Wielko¶æ emisji: 1000000 szt.
Rok emisji: 2010 r.
Projektant: Rytas Jonas Belevicius

1 litas -¯ALGIRIO MUSIS 2010

Moneta obiegowa o nominale 1 lita wyemitowana z okazji 600. rocznicy bitwy pod Grunwaldem.

Bitwa pod Grunwaldem, jaka mia³a miejsce w dniu 15 lipca 1410 roku, to wydarzenie bez precedensu w historii pañstwa polskiego. Zakoñczona wraz z ni± wojna z Krzy¿akami stanowi³a kolejn± ods³onê ponad stuletniego konfliktu.

Bitwa trwale wzmocni³a pozycjê pañstwa polskiego w ¶redniowiecznej Europie i os³abi³a sytuacjê polityczn± zakonu krzy¿ackiego.

www.numizmatyczny.pl 50 litów, 600 rocznica bitwy pod Grunwaldem, 2010
Bitwa pod Grunwaldem,
Diebold Schilling, miniatura z XV wieku

Moments of the Battle of Grunwald captured in three collectors coins issued by the Bank of Lithuania

Today the Bank of Lithuania issued three collectors (commemorative) coins to commemorate 600th anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald (Zalgiris): gold 500 litas and silver 50 litas collectors (commemorative) coins and 1 litas collectors (commemorative) circulation coin stricken of alloy of copper and nickel. The coins were presented to the public in the Lithuanian Art Museum, Vilnius.

The event started with a minute of silence which was observed in memory of the late President Algirdas Brazauskas.

The Chairman of the Bank of Lithuania Reinoldijus Sarkinas said: “Since school, in Lithuania we all know that the Battle of Grunwald - which took place on 15 July 1410 when Polish and Lithuanian troops defeated the Order - is a special moment in our history that determined the development not just of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the statehood of Lithuania as a whole but also the predestination of neighbouring and Eastern European countries in the 15th century and later.

Recognising the importance of this event, the Bank of Lithuania’s respond was inventive: for the first time we issued three coins at one time - they are of three different metals and denominations.

Designer of the coins Rytas Jonas Belevicius depicted moments of the Battle of Grunwald on one side of the coins.

The reverses of gold and silver coins illustrate horsemen and infantrymen reflecting pictures from mediaeval books. The fight is depicted somewhat theatrically and the size of figures is dispensed according to their weight in the composition and a hierarchy of that time. Details of closing, armour and weaponry characteristic of the time were conveyed as precisely as possible.

According to the designer, decorative arrangement of spears on the reverse of 1 litas coin slightly reminds of the course of the Battle.

The other sides of the coins depict a stylised Vytis or seals of the then ruler of the state. As Dr. Rimvydas Petrauskas says in his extensive historic review in the leaflet published by the Bank of Lithuania: ”Finally, the Battle of Grunwald is the historical symbol of Lithuania’s political sovereignty; it is reflected in Grand Duke Vytautas’ majestic seal created just a few years before the Battle depicted on the collectors coin.”

The edges of gold and silver coins bear stylised 15th century spearheads and the edge of 1 litas coin is rimmed at intervals.

Gold and silver coins dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald are already 63rd and 64th collectors (commemorative) coins by subject and image issued by the Bank of Lithuania after the restoration of independence.

Moreover, six 1 litas circulation coins have been issued that are of the same or similar design as collectors (commemorative) coins the latest coin of which is dedicated to the anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald.

The coins were minted at the Lithuanian Mint. Mintage of 500 litas coin is 5,000; mintage of 50 litas silver coin is 10,000; mintage of 1 litas coin from alloy of copper and nickel is 1,000,000.

On the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald, central banks of other three countries (Poland, Ukraine and Belarus) will also issue collectors (commemorative) coins. Their images were demonstrated during the above event in Vilnius.

¼ród³o: Mennica Litwy / Bank of Lithuania / Wikipedia

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